How to use modsource object?


Hey :smile:

I am trying to figure out how modsources work and I have set it up like on the picture, but I am not having much luck for now. Is this the right way to set it up?

The oscillator changes pitch when I turn the toggle button on/off, but no continuous modulation as you would expect from an lfo.

I tried changing the trig in on the mod source to a square lfo. That does something but again, not what to be expected.

Also couldnt find help file for modsource object


Recall knob position at startup in stand alone mode

Set a logic/change object between the LFO and the modsource trig. This way every time the LFO output value changes it will trig the modsource to get the current value.


Nice. That worked. Thanks :smile:

I just noticed that the modsource amount is not updated while the patch is live?


I don't know and can't check right now. You could put a *c before the modsource to achieve that.


Yeah I thought of that. But then you would only have one overall modulation amount for all destinations from that source. I think I am going to use normal attenuators to set the amount inbetween the lfo and the destination.


Could you set the modsource to modulate a dial and route to different places from there, each through their own *c?


Going to test that idea if it makes more sense than just using attenuators. I want to keep it simple and use as little objects as possible

Anyway, I love that there are so many different ways to get same result :smile: