How to turn a Clock divider into a clock multiplyer?


Hey Guys smile

I have been using this clock divider and it is useful in many situations.

- But I was wondering how I could turn it into a clock multiplyer instead?

I did a google search and found out it might be possible with a flip flop but i wasn't able to make it work.

Any Help appreciated smile

Clock1.axs (5.1 KB)


impossible, since you'd need to look into the future.
But what you could do is calculate the time between 2 triggers, convert it to frequency (multiply it by 1 ,2,4,...) and use that to drive a new pulse.


I had a go at it with the timer/timeri-object but didn't have too much time to invest in the matter. Assuming the object outputs time in milliseconds, I could measure the time between two pulses, then do (time/2)^-1 to control the frequency of an LFO object.. Please share if u get any longer than me! smiley


Hey smile

I tried a different approach, but it doesn't work on midi clock, ONLY when using an LFO as a clock. There might be a little bit of drift when you set a dial to +60, but I am not sure about that yet. If you notice anything, please let me know.

Try this one:
Pitchdivider.axp (5.3 KB)

Johannes suggested setting it up in a simpler way, like this. Havent tried Johannes version yet, though: