How to set up for legato trills?


There is probably a simple solution to this but how can you patch a mono synth so that when you play trills, the pitch alternates between the notes? I mean when I hold F and play G, the G will play, but when I release G, it's just a note off event, F doesn't play. Thanks.


hmm... i think there might be a few limitations in the standard midi keyb object which might make this tricky

essentially, it only tracks the last note, rather than all notes currently pressed.

I think what we would need is an object which keep tracks of notes, and then decides based upon 'mono mode' which pitches, velocities to output.

e.g. Ive got hw synths with the following mono modes
- high note priority
- low note priority
- last note
and then retrigger variants of these.

there are quite a few possible variations , which can be built once you store the active notes and decide what to do when new notes are added, or notes removed.

theoretically you can do this track in your own patch...
but I fear we may not be sending through the last note off e..g the G note off in your example, as its not the active note... but id need to check

the other more involved approach would involve a midi script, which could process the midi, and then send notes back via the midisend3 to the internal port...

but might we need to find a better solution within midi keyb, or the patcher (mono)


Hi, I believe "midi/in/keyb zone lru" does what you want.


Almost :smile:
When I don't play anything, if I have played legato it still plays the least recent note in that sequence. The gate doesn't close until I play and release that note. Is there a way around this?