How to obtain a fine tuning pitch?



I just got the Axoloti core, I patched a synth up but I have 1 big problem. I'd like to have a fine tuning pitch, but I can't seem to change the pitch on my oscillators in other ways than per semi tones. Does anyone knows how to make it change per cents or Hz? Thanks a lot!



I know if you hold down the "CTRL" key on your keyboard while you are adjusting the level, it allows for finer tuning. Have you tried this ?


It works! Awesome! Would you happen to know how to keep that when I use it with a midi knob?


Not exactly sure what you mean by "keeping it when using a midi knob" ?
There are both potentiometers and rotary encoders, both will control very differently depending on your setup.


Hey @William :slight_smile:

Now your finetune knob is usable with a midi controller. Just right click on it and assign it to the midi cc number you want.


Tried it and it works perfectly! Thank you!! :slight_smile:


Hi @jaffasplaffa and @William,

You can also use a mix/mix 1 to replace the finetune range dial p, the math/* and the math/+: