How to emulate Max [Trigger] object?


How would i best go about emulating the trigger object in Max?

i'm having a hard time getting my head around trigger/bangs and order of execution. The right/left placement already worked out at least once but for example:

i would like to take an integer and do a [t b i b] which would bang an outlet, then send the integer out the next outlet and bang a third.

Also simply storing an integer/float and being able to bang it at a later time, like the [i ] object in Max?


Axoloti is not message-driven like Max, no emulation of trigger.
Storing a value for later use can be done with logic/latch.


ok, so order of execution is only controlled by placement within the patch? Are there any references/tips to how i should approach order of execution is this (and similar) environments?


What are you trying to do?
Max also does not have a trigger object for audio signals, in Max/GEN~ also no trigger.
The Nord Mod and G2 also did not have a trigger object, or even a way to make execution order deterministic.


exactly. I never really got into MSP. And on my G1 i stuck to synth design. Mainly is use Max (and PD before that) for sequencers and midi trickery.

i'm trying to build a sequencer similar to that of the SH-101:

user input to enter record mode
played notes store values in a table
user input "stop" determines length of sequence
incoming midi notes trigger the next step (great for polyrhythmic and uneven timings)
notes read from table are sent out as midi or played from internal synth


I'm not familiar with the sh-101
As far as I can see, what you want to do is doable with the table objects and some glue.


i can't seem to find this glue object :wink: