Looks like it's my first topic so hello, Axoloti community!
I've been in possession of an Axoloti Core for a while now, however I didn't take the time to really dive in yet. I uploaded a user's patch several months ago and started to mess around with the hardware both as FX unit and USB host, everything was working great, but then I fell into another rabbit's hole and left the Axoloti.
Now that I'm ready to explore it again, I'd like to reopen the currently embedded patch to study it and remind myself what it does and how. I'm sure it's easy but I can't figure out how to do this. Is it possible?
I don't have the original patch on my computer anymore because it crashed a while ago. I could look for it online, I would probably find it again but I'd rather solve this before - as a kind of basic learning challenge
Thanks for your help!