How to create constant +/- 3.3V outputs?


Hi there, anyone knows how to make a constant outputs like the object [sig~] in max? I need +/- 3.3V from the Axoloti Core.

and is there a way to store audio vector array in Axoloti? so I can output list as voltages: 1.2, 2.3, 3.3, 0.1, -0.2, -0.7 etc. the list shall be around 2,500 samps long.

many thanks.


Axoloti can do 0-3.3 volts out. Additional power supply would be needed to get -3.3v. A circuit could be made to offset and amplify to +- 3.3v


hi Illuminate

Thank you, but I mean to make a constant steady output without oscillating.

And do you know how to generate specific frequency in hz to trigger table/play pitch loop? I wanna put a very low frequency to drive the loop, like 0.0000347 hz phasor, do you know how to?

right now it's too fast.



For a low frequency try an lfo object, I’m not sure how to set the hz specifically though. What voltages are you trying to generate? Even for a reference voltage of negative 3.3v you’ll need a bipolar power supply.


hi sorry for the misleading, it's different questions. I was asking again how to generate 0.00003 hz from a LFO, I don't see anyway to do so, it's for driving the table not for the voltage output~


Yep I got that... I was answering two questions. However if the lowest lfo setting is still too fast you may need to modify a bit of code. That’s somewhat beyond me, although it seems like it should be fairly straight forward. As far as your first question what voltage are you trying to produce?


ah ok, for the lowest lfo I found that if I put a constant value to the pitch inlet of the table, the wave file is played even slower, but I don't want the pitch, I want to hz parameter therefore I know how much time I can finish the whole sample, anyway to change the unit?

test.axp (2.5 KB)

for the voltage issue I will just make an extensional op amp to adjust the output to -/+ 5V, from the PA4, PA5 of Axoloti core.

I hope I am making it clear and thanks for the help!


I'm still not sure what your trying to accomplish, you want to be able to display the exact hz your reading the table? you could try driving the position with an LFO but it still will only display .13 hz as the lowest. you could try to modify some code if this is what your after.


This is what I want to accomplish (if you use max), and I mean I wanna know whats the way to set the parameter of objects in hz unit instead of pitch.


My guess is you would need to modify code. They do display the hz... and saying setting it as pitch is somewhat confusing as the most common way of referring to pitch is by hz. I you referring to the -64 to 64 numbers as pitch? And you would like to be able to use hz instead of those numbers?


yes. I'd like to be able to use Hz, instead of the numbers (which I meant by pitch, the number range from -64 to 64)