How to check if patches are on sd card


Hi, I got an axoloti hardware device with an sd card that has at least one patch that loads upon booting, but I am having trouble finding how to access the sd bank to see if there are other patches on it. Thanks for any advice!


In the patcher, if you're on the main Axoloti window, go to Board at the top menu, from there you can view what's on the SD card.

If you're trying to use different patches from the SD card, you'll have to make a patch bank, which is found in the file menu.

Are either of those things what you were trying to do?


Hi! under board Im not quite sure where to look, and when I open a new patch bank no patches show up. Maybe the patch playing is from internal flash memory? Says sd card mounted on the main window though....


I should have been more specific, sorry. This is how to see what's on your card. Alternately, you can plug your card into your computer's card reader if it has one. Both do the same thing, you'll see the card appear in your OS' drives, like you would plugging in a flash drive or inserting a disk.

How to upload patch banks: Clicking "add" in the patch bank area opens up the Axoloti folder on your computer. This is where you select the patches that you would like to use.

Once you've selected your patches, they appear inside of the patch bank window like so. Then click "Upload Patch Bank" to upload them to your card. The Axoloti monitor window will tell you if/when they successfully uploaded.

In order to be able to browse through your patch bank, you also have to have a startup patch. Technically it doesn't matter what the startup patch is, but I like to make the startup patch the same as the first patch in my patch bank.

After you have these uploaded, this is where it gets a little tricky. There are a few different ways of changing the patches, depending on your use case. Are you using a "Controller object" for your Axocontrol? If you are, you can put your patch change objects in there, so it works with every patch. This is usually the easiest way to do it.


Thanks for the detail, very helpful. Once I have a few patches up and running I will look into the controller object option, as that is new to me as well. Thanks again!