How much time can I record?


Hi there I'm thinking of buying an Axoloti to make a mono sampler for my eurorack system.

I was wondering:
1 - if I could use the in and out channels left to send/receive a clock.
2 - How much time can I record? Is there a way to extend the memory?


  1. Axoloti is not directly compatible with the eurorack signal levels. If you're comfortable with DIY electronics you can build circuitry for CV-in, CV-out, gate-in, gate-out. I suggest doing a search for eurorack on this forum, there are multiple threads discussing possibilities, schematics...

  2. There is 8MB of on-board SDRAM, that fits 85.3 seconds of mono audio at 48kHz/16bit. Extending the memory is not supported. Samples can also be streamed from a micro-sdcard, far more limited in possibilities, but nearly unlimited in size.


hi Johannes thanks for the reply.