Help with delay patch


I am trying to patch a delay fx, and this patch does a great job already.

I just need to embed it in a patcher, and assign the delay/read dial to an external potentiometer, but I just can't figure out how.

Can someone help me on this?
I apologize if this is too basic.. :\


Maybe you can open a new (main) patch, insert the object patch/patcher from the community library, press edit, a new window appears and paste here your subpatch, , right click on every parameter you want in your gui and select parameter on parent, then close and press update and so the inlets , the outlets and the dials should appear. In the main patch you should use the gpio object and connect it with the delay time inlet of the sub patch.
Then connect this inlet to a conv/interp obj (blue to red) and finally to the input of the delay read.

Then connect this inlet to a conv/interp obj (blue to red) and finally to the input of the delay read.

This was the part I was missing, will give it a try later.