Another Finn here, Jussi from Helsinki. I've been dabbling with electronic music for about 20 years; with FT2, then Yamaha RM1X, then Reason, then Yamaha RS7000. The Yamahas are long gone (but they are good sequencers) and now I have a little setup of
Octatrack, Machinedrum, x0xb0x, Volca Beats and Keys, microKorg, and some stompboxes. And the Axoloti of course.
Back in the day I really wanted one of the Nord Modulars but couldn't afford them. That's why when I saw the Axoloti I had to have it. So far I've been just messing with it for fun. I've made some drum synths, subtractive synths and various FM (or is it PM?) experiments and a nice stereo delay effect, but there's certainly a lot to learn and I really have no idea how to best use it 
I studied film sound design but for work I have mostly been a boom operator and in recent years the location sound recordist/mixer. I love pinball, hence the nick.