I've had this axoloti for a few months, I added some sliders etc to the GPIO ports and had been using it really regularly with no problems. Put it on a shelf for about a month and came back to it, now when I plug in the USB power I get maybe 5 minutes before it crashes. Then it either goes into a loop of re-booting (lights alternating, sound for a fraction of a second and then dead) or just a hangs, with the red LED very fainty flickering and not booting. Last time I left it for an hour or so and I managed to get the 5 minutes again and back to the same loop, so I'm hoping it's not just completely dead.
Any thoughts on how I go about diagnosing / fixing?
Or is it quite likely just to have died on my shelf?
I've tried various power supplies / USB cables.
I haven't managed to power it up in a PC usb port yet in order to see what happens.
Also I've had a poke around with my finger and it doesn't seem like any of the components are getting excessively hot, so I'm a bit baffled.
(edited to have a more useful subject and moved to a more appropriate category)