GUI Unresponsive on Fedora (Oracle Java 10)


Gui is super unresponsive on Fedora with Oracle Java 10. Are newer versions of java passed 8 not supported? I have some log files as well, I think the reason it hangs up is because a super large amount of exceptions are being thrown.

javax.swing.text.BadLocationException: Invalid insert
at java.desktop/javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.insertString(
at axoloti.MainFrame$3.publish(
at java.logging/java.util.logging.Logger.log(
at java.logging/java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
at java.logging/java.util.logging.Logger.log(
at axoloti.MainFrame$3.publish(
at java.logging/java.util.logging.Logger.log(
at java.logging/java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
at java.logging/java.util.logging.Logger.log(
at axoloti.MainFrame$3.publish(

Gets thrown thousands of times after attempting things such as starting it up, pressing connect, selecting device, making a new patch etc. Also loading in the examples does not do anything at all. Double clicking to open the selector window does not work. Any suggestions? Thanks


This looks like a known issue that has been fixed in the Experimental branch:


At the moment there is no binary release for experimental so you'd need to build from source. The other solution is to explicitly force Java 8 when launching the patcher in the latest stable release (from the master branch). On Debian/Ubuntu there is the "alternatives" mechanism that keeps track of multiple Java versions installed on the system. Of the top of my head I'm not sure what the analogous mechanism is on Fedora systems, but I'm sure there is a way to have multiple JVMs installed.


Hm Ok the experimental build didn't help at all. Ill try the java 8 approach later this week. Thanks! I'm not sure the best way to go about multiple java installs but ill look into it.


I ran into the same issue with Ubuntu 18.04.

  • the released axoloti patcher builds with openjdk-8
  • the default jvm (/usr/bin/java) is a later version.

The result is many exceptions of the following type...

javax.swing.text.BadLocationException: Invalid insert

You can fix it by explicity calling the java 8 binary.

Or: In ubuntu, use "update-java-alternatives"

I don't run any java apps other than the axoloti patcher so I just set it to java 8 and declared victory.