GPIO for n00bs: How to connect in patcher


Can someone tell me how GPIO objects are used to control knobs in other objects please? I have a analog pot connected to PA1 (I think, not looking at it now). I add a gpio/in/analog object and would like to use it to move a Filter Frequency knob. What do I actually connect the output of the gpio object output to to move that knob?

Thanks a lot.


The screenshot below shows you how you need to connect the analog in to the filter. The chart will display the signal from the potentiometer.

Note that you won't see the pitch knob move when you turn your potentiometer, but you will hear how it effects your audio signal. Knobs currently only move when they are controlled by MIDI CC.


Great, thanks very much. I had it wired correctly then, it was the lack of movement from the dial that thought I was missing something fundamental.


my pots are still in the mail so I havn't been able to test this yet but I believe if you route the gpio in to a midi/intern/cc you can then use it to control any midi parameter, by matching cc number and channel on midi/inter/cc and the parameter you wish to control.

I believe any parameter that does not have a wire connection can be controlled by the above method. not tested, Hopefully breadboard and pots will arrive soon so I can test this out.


The midi/intern/cc object should work with the analog in, but you'll need to add an extra logic/change object to trigger the CC event. You can test it with a ctrl/dial b object if you don't have a potentiometer available.


Great stuff. I'm starting to see possibilities here. I'm imagining using a button on a mux to cycle the target for the pot through multiple endpoints (cc's). Course, not sure how to show that outside with LED's without either using lots of GPIO, or an IC of some sort.


Hi everyone,

I know that I'm a grave digger !

I've correctly plugged my knobs in my Axoloti, when I turn my button with [dial p] it works but with an other object like [filter/vcf3] in the pitch nothing is moving.
Can you tell me why ?



Can you post a pic of your patch?


Hi everyone,
I continue to dig ...

This is my subpatch

With the patch below, I want to control dial in object as the "depth" of my chorus.
How can I do that ?? I think I should have a converter CV to midi but I don't find it. Maybe am I in a wrong way.

Thanks for your help. I have a live in a month and I want to use my Axoloti.


You can either use a chorus with blue inlets or connect your blue outlets to an object called modsource and right click on the desired control and assign that modsource

also once it works, remove all of those scope objects in your sub patch, you are wasting a lot of resources...


Also your "fx/chorus" object is actually a subpatch, so it can be edited without coding!

Click the little arrow on the top left and select "embed as patch/patcher". Then click edit and the subpatch opens inside a new window. There you can connect the desired controls with "patch/inlet f" objects. Exit window and press "update" on the patcher object to make your changes work.

For LFO speed you might need to convert your unipolar GPIO signal to a bipolar one. Search for "conv/unipolar2bipolar" to do that.


Hi Axolotis,
Thanks for your answers.
I've done that it's a patchwork of your two answers. In a way it works because in my console with the [print object] I see data in.
But my two dials don't move. Have I done a mistake somewhere.

Test-Moving.axp (2.1 KB)

Thanks for you help !


yes you have to trigger the modsource object as well to output something. use TSG/patch/modsource auto instead