Glitchy sound when using two simple mono sin osc at the same time


In the following patch disto.axp (8.9 KB)
I'm using two sine oscs + adsr each one in a subpatch, reading from a different MIDI channel (1 and 2).
When these two channels receive a note at the same time or when channel 1 is already playing a note and channel 2 receives a note, I hear a small glitchy sound noise sound on the attack of the new note.

This doesn't happen when the channel 2 is already playing a note and a new note ON event arrives before channel 2's previous note OFF is received, so I suspect it has something to do with the triggering of the ADSR, as bottomline it seems this glitch only happens when the envelope is triggered.

I'm quite new to Axoloti (my unit is very recent, I just bought it 2 weeks ago here), can someone be so kind as to have a look at the patch and tell me whether I did something wrong?


Are you sure that you aren't overloading the output? Try to use a mix object instead of the math+ (1) object


Not sure it will do any difference, but you could try to change the "mididevice" setting from omni to the device port you are actually using. Like "DIN" or "Usbdevice" port.

Also not sure it will do anything, but you could also try replacing the math/* object inside the synths with "gain/vca".

And as @patatos suggest, I think it would be a good idea to add individual volume control for each of the 2 synths and for the input, so they have their own volume. By using a mixer, for example :slight_smile: Right now all sounds are just summed at full level, which is not good in Axo world add all. When Axolotis output gets overloaded or clips, you get some very nasty digtal glitch sounds.


Thanks for your replies :slight_smile:
You were right, I replaced the + by a mix/mix 3 g object and it works alright now!