Get number of patches stored in patch bank on sdcard


I want to change patches with a rotary encoder. For that, I use a patchbank and the load/i object. Changing patches works so far, but i need to access the number of patches stored in the patch bank to implement some further instrument change logic. I don't want to store the number in a controller object but rather read it at runtime. I found the function "LoadPatchIndexed" which is called by the load/i, and the c code in patch.c which parses the index.axb file. Although I know basic c/c++ coding I couldn't manage to adapt the code to use it in a patcher object. Any hints how to read the index file from within a patcher object would be really useful.

How to use patch banks and controller object with s1 and s2 buttons

Below is an example of reading the number of patches in the patch bank. In the code.declaration section the function count_lines() is defined. It's a simple function that counts the number of new lines in a file. In the code.init section the function is called. The depends section is needed to use the filing system API.



  int count_lines( const char *filename )
    int      n_lines = 0;
    FRESULT  err;
    FIL      FileObject;
    err = f_open( &FileObject, filename,  FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING  );
    if( err != FR_OK )
        f_close( &FileObject );
        char          byte;
        unsigned int  bytes_read;
        while( !f_eof(&FileObject) )
            err = f_read( &FileObject, (uint8_t *) &byte, sizeof( char ), &bytes_read );
            if( err != FR_OK )
            if( byte == 0x0A )
        f_close( &FileObject );
    return n_lines;



  int n_patches = count_lines( "/index.axb" );
  LogTextMessage("number of patches = %d", n_patches );



Thank you very much. The code works fine, although i didn't use the depends section.