No, you're not listening, are you.
You are the one with a problem, you are acting immaturely. You are the one getting out of your pram over someone calling your beloved Organelle a "Toy"!
Grow the fuck up dude!
BTW, you use Facebook?
That is highly irresponsible, you have kids, remember?
Wouldn't be surprised if you have one of those Amazon Echos sitting in your house as well. Completely poinless device that does surveillance of your family, yet people actually buy that shit

Talk about irreversible dementia, I mean you'd have to be dumbest of dumb to allow one one of those things anywhere near your family, yet the amount of reviews on Amazon prove that the plan to breed complete imbeciles has worked alarmingly well.
A problem indeed.
Bottom line is, regards the Organelle thing, the only reason this argument is here is because he wasn't allowed to call it a toy. It is a toy to some. It looks like a piece of bent-over tin, with a display so tiny even a mouse might need a magnifying glass to read it. It's got keys that look like they belong in a nursery, and it only appears to be available in girly pastel colours!
On the other hand, if they'd packaged it in a more sensible way. Full sized keyboard, bigger display, and sensible colours, more people would likely see it as not a toy at all. The point is, strum, me, you, Mark, anyone is free to see it and refer to it however we like.
You think it's awesome - cool!
Mark thinks it's awsome - cool!
Many others think it's awesome - cool!
Strum thinks it's a toy - cool!
Axoman thinks it's a toy - cool!
Many others think it's a toy - cool!
The problem is when you cannot accept that different people have different opinions, and the only reason you do this is because you're "politically corrected". Get it into your skull once and for all that humans have different opinions, then these arguments would not start in the first place!
Like I said, I don't agree with the way strum approached this, I thought he was quite rude, but some of the things he said is in his reply is correct. You are pathetic, because it is pathetic to get defensive over calling a synthesizer a toy!
So what, who cares?
You see all those Volcas?
You see all those Monotrons?
You see all those Pocket Operators?
Yay for TOYS, toys are awesome