First useful results


I'm gradually building a set of subpatches that can generate music based on some parameters and randomness applied to a system of rules over a rhythmic framework.

The system will consist of 6 modules
1. A rhythmic structure generator that lays down a tempo, bar length and subdivisions of the basic beat
2. A rhythmic pattern generator that is fed input from the structure generator and uses logic and/or randomness to create rhythmic patterns upon the basic framework.
3. A chord generator that takes an input pitch and can build chords based upon it
4. An arpeggiator than take voicings from the chord module and arpeggiates them in various ways.
5. A chord sequence generator that will use the rules of functional harmony and other theoretical concepts combined with randomness to build chord sequences to feed into the Chord generator.
6. A melody Generator that takes the chord sequence and rhythms and creates a melody that follows the chords like a jazz musician would do.

I've got modules 3 and 4 nearly working as planned and the rhythm module is combined into one and not working quite as I'd like it yet but enough to be useful still.

About to start working on the chord sequence module which will be challenging but once working is going to be the main brains of the system.

Here is something I recorded today from a patch that uses just the chord module and arpeggiator fed a basic clock and some random gates and numbers to the inputs of the chord module. It sounds interesting already I think even without any root movement, can't wait to get the chord sequence generator working and then see what comes out.

Have a listen, tell me what you think.

I'll upload the patch and subpatches when I get them tidied up and a few more features working.

This generative music thing has been a life long journey for me and I feel like at last I am getting very close to doing what I have wanted to be able to do for a very long time, use rules to generate tonal music without having to write much code.

Thanks Axoloti and all who helped make it a reality, despite the criticisms I may have of it, in many ways it's a dream come true for me.


Here's a positive suggestion.

I've been using what I am assuming is your /tools/text object, thanks it's handy and there is no factory module similar.

Can you add line wrapping of the text though?