Hi! I just got an axoloti hardware controller called a sun box, and the patch within was playing ok but when software said no sd card and my old Catalina macosx was restricting patches going live. I tried to update the firmware and after that, the controller would still power up and get recognized, but no sound would emit and the built in oscilloscope went blank. I was able to override catalina osx to make patches go live but I could not source a solution to reboot the sd or get any sound coming out. Any help is deeply appreciated!
Firmware update on sd then no patch sound output
I think it is now running the latest, as I have read in other forums that software latest is .12 and firmware is something like
When I boot it up it recognizes a hardware connection but that's it. I am ok to reboot it and start patches from scratch but I have been unable to find a workable solution in the forums after trying a few things.