Feature suggestion for making Axolotis RAM types easier understandable for the user!


Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I am having some thoughts about the different RAM types in Axoloti. Like SRAM SDRAM & CCMSRAM(are there more?) and how we could make it easier for the user to understand how the different RAM types are used and when they are used. It is pretty obvious with the SDRAM, but how and when CCMSRAM and SRAM is used, can be a bit blurry.

My thoughts are that Axoloti must know how much of the different RAM types that is currently in use. Would it be possible, and also make sense, to make that information available for the user, for example with a percentage meter, like you have for the DSP?

To me personally, that would help me a lot when patching. I'd know what the limit is and then I could prioritize what to do.

So my suggestion is, if possible, to make meters for every RAM type in Axoloti and display it, so the user can see how much of the precious RAM ressources are currently in use.

What do you think? :slight_smile:



CCMRAM is mostly used for data, and cannot be used for code instructions or DMA transactions. DMA is used to exchange data with some hardware in- and outputs, for instance data from sdcard can only transfer to SRAM or SDRAM directly, getting it to CCMRAM involves copying it.
SRAM contains code instructions and constant data.
SDRAM is slower than CCMRAM and SRAM, but much bigger. Most objects that make use of SDRAM are explicit about it.

Showing the amount of memory per type claimed by a patch is already filed as an issue on github.


Thanks for the info. I hadnt seen that it had been filed on github. I'll remember to check there next time.