Feature Request(s): Keyboard Control of GUI menus


Hey there,

Just ran the GUI and connected to my Axoloti for the first time.. I must say: Wow! I'm getting excited by the possibilities! Fiddled with some community and library patches, used the built in midi keyboard with my trackpad, and played with some basic patching mechanics. Sounds awesome even with my shitty ear buds.

After my first few tries I noticed a couple of things to do with keyboard input with GUI menu items and dialogues.. Small hang ups I must take for granted in other software.

I can hit alt-f to bring up the File menu which is awesome, but then no menu items are assigned to letters after this! I so love hitting alt-f, x/q to quit, alt-f, s to save, alt-f, o to open etc and was sad to find this stuff missing.

When I close a patch with ctrl-w it always seems to ask me if I want to save the patch, thanks for that, but I can't seem to move the button in focus with the keyboard arrow keys or choose one with a letter on the keyboard. Maybe this could be added in? hitting 's' for save, 'd' for don't save or 'c' for cancel would be nice and easy.

This are only minor grievances and the software is wholly usable without these fixes. This is more of an "after my first run this is what I experienced straight away" I'm really excited about playing with the Axoloti some more.

Is there a better place, more helpful place to post feature requests? I considered posting directly in the 1.0.12 release thread but after decided it was inappropriate.

Thanks and I look forward to participating in this interesting community!



some of this is due to the nature of java, as its a cross-platform tool... and so doesn't (out of the box) have various
windows specific UI models.

Im a keyboard junkie too, so I sympathise...
(though, you wont get far in a GUI patching environment without using the mouse :wink:)

the first could be added, using setMenomic,
but I'll leave this to a windows developer (as i dont have everything installed on my Windows VM to do it)

personally, I use direct shortcuts, CTRL+S/O etc.... I agree with apple here, I dont see the point of going via a menu when these exist... you should find shortcuts for the frequently used ones, let us know if something is specific is missing.

the second, you should be able to navigate with CTRL+TAB (and shift to go backwards) .... may be slightly different on windows. unfortunately we use the standard open/save java dialog boxes, its a bit of a pain to supplement this with extra key handling... again perhaps a window dev might be interested.

for feature requests ,this is a good place...
bugs can go here, or helpdesk, and only put bugs specific to a release in the release thread.


just TAB (and shift-TAB for backwards), and that works on OSX too.


nope that doesn't work (at least on macOS) if you go past a file list , as the tab moves around in the file list, so doesn't proceed to the next control.
odd I know, but exactly why I use control, so I dont have to think about it :wink:

note: Im not sure if in code this could be turned off or not...I somehow doubt it.
(this is on macOS 10.12.3, sorry dont have another version to test with now)


yep its the same on 10.11.6, you can see the TAB (cursor) moves but nothing happens ;-(