Feature request: ADSR env. with modulation for all stages


Hey smile

I would like to make a request for a version of the ADSR envelope with modulation inputs for all stages. I think such an envelope would cover most uses of an envelope. If you dont like to use the sustain and release, set them to zero. Then you still have a AD envelope. If you want an ADR envelope, set sustain to zero, etc. Only thing not covered would be a Hold envelope.

Anyone else interested in this one?

Tehcnobear showed me this Github issue, which is kind of related, but way more advanced to implement:


Defo it would be great with ADSR with modulation possibility


you mean instead of having some dials you'd like to see inlets?
or both?


Both i think he means the same ADSR as now just with modulation inputs for all 4 stages


What kalle says. Same env but
With modulation inputs.


Don't have an Axo with me so can't test, but you should be able to patch up a modulatable multistage envelope using modulatable the decay envelope and comparison objects to trigger the next step when one envelope reaches zero.


Sounds Nice 😄 if you have an example i Would love to see it. But i Think adding inlets for a d s & r is not really that hard to do. The basis is al ready there, just need to add the inlets and it would cover a lot of peoples envelope needs. You can even change the shapes of the envelope by adding different types of modulation to different stages....... linear to parabol or eksponential curve for example.