Extracting CC values from patches


Hi folks,

I just made a Max patch to extract assigned CC values directly from Axoloti files from my HD.
(so I can update my controller with the init values of all CCs)

I was just wondering if this is something that could be done on the Axo itself?
I'm not super familiar with C+ and the compilation/file system Axo behavior.



If I understand correctly, you want Max to receive CC values from the patcher itself, instead of receiving CC values from the Axoloti Core?

The former would be a bit out of my purview. If the purpose of the max patch is use with the Axoloti Core, you can use a midi/out object with the destination as USB device port 1 (I believe), then connect it to the computer as usual and it should be recognized as a MIDI device in Max.

If you want to reach in and grab it from an axp file, I'm not so sure!


Sorry, if I wasn't clear.

My Max patch is controlling the Axo via assigned CC. Everything works fine.
What I want > Anytime I load a new patch, I want my Axo to send the CC values to the patch to Max.

My workaround for now is to read CC values directly in the AXP files on my hard drive.

Here's an example of the data I'm parsing from an AXP file:
frac32.s.map name="pitch" MidiCC="31" value="-7.0"

My question is> is there a way we can have this data from the Axoloti running and not from the axp files?
Can we create an object that would read these values directly from the running patch?

Hope this is clearer :yum:
