Executable for opening multiple Axolotis on OSX



If you are working with multiple Axolotis, you have to open terminal and type in the command:

open -n -a /Applications/Axoloti.app

.......For every Axoloti editor you want to open.

I wanted to make it a bit simpler, so I dont have to open terminal and type that in every time I need to use more than one Axoloti.

So as a small "learning code project" i whipped together this "OpenAxoloti" executable, that:

  1. When you dobbelt click it opens terminal.
  2. Send the command "open -n -a /Applications/Axoloti.app"
  3. Closes terminal again.

You can use it to open as many Axolotis you want, without having to manually open terminal and type in the command, simply just push the executable to launch the Axoloti editor.

As we cant host any other types of than axoloti files, its hosted on wetransfer for now:

(OSX only)

Next-gen and mini Axoloti hardware discussion