Example patch: a simple stereo Looper with overdub


I am trying to figure out how to use your patch Mood Organ, but I can't find the directory the axo file goes in... I know this is proabably a ridiculously simple question but I just can't seem to answer it myself! I'm using a mac, BTW.



You have to go to applications folder and right click on Axoloti app and select "show package content". Then go to content/Java/Objects/Scripts.


That worked! Thanks Jaffasplaffa!


a better way is to create your own object path in Preferences.


hej mood_organ I am very happy that I found your patch here! Thanks a lot for sharing!! I got problems running it though. first I thought i put the one-liner_ik.axo file at the wrong place but then I made sure to have it here: content/Java/Objects/Scripts (thanks for asking that Question ApartmentFox!)

If I understand it correctly thats the place where it has to go.

but still i get these errors:
"Documents/axoloti/build/xpatch.cpp:1020:6: error: 'net15Latch' does not name a type

and: "shell task failed, exit value: 2"

also the lines to the "onliner box" in patch are dashed...

I'm not so familiar with axoloti yet, so I have no clue why that is. I would be very happy if someone could give me hint!



ok, let me explain how custom objects (axo) should be installed...

(but first here is a replacement axo, which has the uuid fixed, so you dont get a warning oneliner_ik.axo (738 Bytes) .... its important to keep your axoloti install clean, i.e. no warnings)

a) create you own directory for your custom objects
Id suggests you put it in the axoloti directory which is in your documents directory.
e.g. on a mac ~/Documents/axoloti/objects
b) In Axoloti , file -> preferences
now the object search path, can have a directory per line (it by default it just has objects)
add the directory you added in (a)
note: it must be a fully qualified path...
e.g. /Users/bob/Documents/axoloti/objects NOT ~/Documents/axoloti/objects
( I know we need to add a directory selector here, and perhaps should have a default 'custom objects directory!)

you only really need to do this once, as you can add other custom objects in the same directory...
(or you can have multiple custom object directories if you want to keep things separate)

the next important thing is, the axo file must go in the same directory structure it came from (its part of its 'identity', in this case, the object is really

so you will need to create a directory called scripts in the above objects directory, and then place the axo in that directory.

the above may seem more work that just chucking in the 'factory objects' folder but has a number of advantages...
the primary one is you can easily see which objects are 3rd party, and which are provided by axoloti.
the second is you can run multiple versions of axoloti on your PC/Mac and not have to worry about copy various 3rd party axo's between them (which you will find hard to track down if you just dump them in with the factory content)

NOTE: the object search path is search in the order listed, so this also provides a way to 'override' objects ... though you will be warned of the 'duplicate' when you start up.

Reverse Audio in Tables

Wow! Thank you so much for this detailed description, it helped a lot. It worked perfectly and I was super happy for ten seconds, but then the axolati program shut down and after re-opening the patch all boxes turned red and all lines were dashed. I will restart my computer and try again. One question regarding the path


is the double back slash before documents on purpose?

At the moment I'm working on two instrumental mockups. I will post some Documentation, as soon as there something worth showing.



Ah!! I got it! I just had to move all Folders from the object folder within the Axoloti Package into my new object folder... didn't think of that!

a super-happy thank you again :smile:


on the double backslash was a typo.

you don't need to do this,
you should add an additional path, not replace the original


this will mean it will use the factory objects from the package first, and if not found there, will look in the other folder. (/Users/bob/Documents/axoloti/objects)


cool, thanks for reminding me. I did replace the old one. now it works perfectly :smile:


hej, another question (please let me know if my questions are to basic...):

I'm trying to change the ctrl/toggle objects to gpio/in/digital objects, because I want to add a physical button on the objects. When I double-click and change the Object all yellow threads disappear. Does anyone know if that is even possible or why that is not possible? I thought it wouldn't make a difference since both objects have a yellow and square shaped pin...


Wires are only kept when substituting an object if the outlet of the new object has the same name. Just drag a wire from the new outlet to the network of stippled wires.
Stippled wires mean that it only connects inlets together, and require an outlet to that wire network too.


hej Johannas,

thanks for your answer, it works!



I have my patches en objects on a folder on my Nas, so I can work from my PC and from my laptop. Which all works fine with my own noodlings (patches and subpatches). Now I created the folder \scripts and \objects on my axoloti folder on the Nas, cf technobears instructions.
After object search path in preferences I entered:


Now everytime I start the patcher I get the following red warning:
"Incorrect uuid hash detected for object: \NASQNAP\Sharename\Axoloti\objects\oneliner_ik.axo , does not match its signature (..... a whole lot of numbers here ......)"

I used technobears last axo.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


I have the same issue with almost all of custom objects around the forum.


The ones I have posted on the forum is homemade. And I dont really have any programming background but I managed to get it working anyway, except those messages. From what I know they are just warnings, but it has not got any affect on their functions(Maybe some have).

Also only very recently has the internal object editor been updated. So now, when you edit an object in the internal editor, Axoloti automatically creates the right hashes. The ones I have made are made before that functions was available, so I had to create them in an external editor... And like i mentioned, they worked so I didnt really give it more thought :smile:

@NaughtySaw doesnt the objects work at all?


an objects 'identity' includes the path that it lives in...

in this case, it should be scripts/oneliner_ik.axo

so you should put the object in:

@NaughtySaw Id assume yours is the same issue, or the developer of the axo did not generate the UUID correctly,
but most likely the former.



Is there a way to get the hash codes right for the custom objects? I am thinking of those I made before the object editor was updated to correct the hash codes by it self. They work, but they still come up red.


there are two codes reported uuid and sha, if either mismatch they will be reported in the console, it reports both the incorrect and correct code. so you can simply edit the axo object and replace the incorrect code with the correct code.

obviously only do this, if you know why its wrong e.g. developer said it was wrong for some reason..... its better to ensure its in the right place.
as i said axoloti is designed to have the objects in a particular hierarchy, its not just the 'name' thats important.

consider the fact we have 2 objects called "cc"... one in midi/in/cc and the other midi/out/cc, same for saw, we have an osc/saw and lfo/saw ...

so you can see the just calling something cc or saw is not enough,
in the same way scripts/oneliner_ik is completely different from /oneliner_ik or patch/oneliner_ik (they dont exist, but they might one day)


Nice will try copying the hash then :smile: I see why it is important to have the right hashes. Thanks.