hello I am new to the forum. My axoloti should be arriving soon and I was thinking about getting it into a eurorack and back. I was thinking this may work as it has a gain of 2 and can negative offset. http://www.circuitabbey.com/files/Invy_1_0.pdf Which will work for the way out and the attenuation could work for the way in. Obviously the axoloti would need grounded jacks added.
Would this cause any problems I'm not seeing like difference in ground voltages shorting the axoloti? I'm new to all this.
Eurorack and back
And what about this?
Those will work for using axos audio in and out with eurorack. I actually have the pre-amp no out put module. I really like ladik's stuff, hand built but super solid!
i currently have it going directly into the Doepfer A-127 -> A-138 -> Ladik R-330 -> A-138u and its loud enough for me, but adding a gain stage could def be beneficial. Im not an expert in modular synths but i wonder if http://www.cgs.synth.net/modules/cgs60_sba.html would be helpful?
In the process of trying to squeeze it inside a 6hp module, need to find some 20mm spacers and a design for the faceplate