Its raining outside and i thought i play a little stream. I am using only the Axoloti Core and potentiometers (13) as controllers. All sounds are patched inside Axoloti, nothing external is added. The Instruments are micro tuned to a traditional african Mbira tuning. All rythms are created in realtime with euclidean algorythms. The euclidean rythm generators where written by sputnki and jaffasplaffa of the Axoloti Community. Also used are for effects: a tape delay object and the reverb resamling aspects of Mutable Instruments "Elements". Thanks to all who make this fun possible on hardware and software side.
Euclidean Rythm Percussion and Microtonal Tuning Stream
really nice device! we are just having a discussion at what future electronic music devices will look like. im using this as a good example .. but its in german
na ich hab selbst ca 1 jahr lang nur mit euclidian tracks gebaut, alles selbst programmiert in pure data und euromodular. zb der hier