Error 127 message



New to Axoloti. I keep getting an 'Error 127' message (attached image). Does anyone know what this is and what I should do?

I'm on Windows 10, Axoloti 2.0.



It means the 'runtime' portion of Axoloti software is not installed, or not installed correctly, so the Patcher cannot find the 'toolchain' (set of programs for compiling C++ programs for ARM processor).



So reinstall the patcher? Simple as that?


There are TWO parts to the installation - the Patcher, and the Runtime. You didn't do the Runtime.


Oh...! I see!

Totally slipped by me.

Thank you very much!


Oops, forgot to mention.

Don’t use Axoloti 2.0. It’s nowhere near release quality.


Thanks, I'll take the advice and downgrade! Cheers


Wish I had seen this thread before wasting 2 hours this morning trying to get it to work. FFS