Envelope Filter


Hello everyone,

I'm very new to the axoloti and its community but very excited to patch with it !

I'm starting with something quite simple (I guess...) and already blocked. I want to do an envelope filter for my guitar like the one you can find on a stompbox. I've searched the forum and can't find the help.
Here where I'm : I'm using "env/follower" into the pitch of a filter. But I have a few issues:
- I have a very low data signal (the bleu cord, is that the right name?), tried to multiply it, but is that the best solution?
- I don't really understand how to have a very good idea of how my filte pitch is moving (no move of the knob of the interface, and I don't know how to have a trace of the values)
- I would like to have a min and max value for the filter pitch moved by the envelope
- I would like to control Attack and decay of my envelope, don"t know how to do...

As you can see, I'm blocked (and it's probably stupid)!
Thanks for your help!

  • I have a very low data signal (the bleu cord, is that the right name?), tried to multiply it, but is that the best solution?

thats one way, use the shift operator (<<) which is more efficient.
also if you have an issue with input gain, consider using the multiple/shift on the audio input, and/or use the audio/inconfig to raise the gain. (or boost the input signal :wink:)

terminology: all the wires (blue, yellow, green etc) except red, we tend to call control rate wires/signals, red are audio rate.

  • I don't really understand how to have a very good idea of how my filte pitch is moving (no move of the knob of the interface, and I don't know how to have a trace of the values)

look at the kscope object
(help patch will give you an idea of how to use it)

  • I would like to have a min and max value for the filter pitch moved by the envelope

use * to get a range, and then + to get the min value

  • I would like to control Attack and decay of my envelope, don"t know how to do...

use an env/ad object , and multiply its output by the output of 'range' you did above.
(again help patch shows how, just remember it can be used on both audio and control signals)

no question is 'stupid' or simple, its simply a matter of practice/experience, we all were beginners at some point, and relied on others to help us get going.
so fire away :slight_smile:

tip: a good way to get help here is:
a) publish a screenshot on this forum
b) share the patch on the forum

id recommend doing both, then others can see 'where you are at'
(a) is useful, as we can help without firing up axoloti
(b) is useful if there are issues, so we can test with axoloti, and also potentially post a modified patch.

anyway, hope the above unblocks you, happy patching


Thanls so much Mark!

I've made the change and here is what I have.
It's way better but:
- I need so much to know the range of value of "follow" also for the Kscope
- I need to calm down the follower
- and how to have a better control on attack decay?

I've joined the patch and a screenshot :

Envelope Follower.axp (3.0 KB)


You could disconnect the pitch inlet of the filter and instead assign the pitch of the filter to midi cc 1..... And then connect everything as on the picture:

This will give you a visual of how the knob is actually moving.

Also check this patch from @janvantomme. This is an autowah that works pretty decent:

autowah-finished for com.axp (3.9 KB)