Editing Patch Bank


I finally figured out how to do a patch bank and switch patches, but once I've closed the `New Patch Bank' window (with an unnamed patch, because i also do not know how to name them), i can't find a way to open and edit the patch bank again, e.g. to add patches or change their order. How do you do that?

Save various patches and recall them from SD card?

I'm on the same page as you are... Maybe there is just one "New Patch bank" and the only way to add a patch is to create a new updated bank?


use file open.
(patch banks have a .fxb extension, so axoloti will load the bank editor rather than the patch editor)


Sorry, Mark, got to follow up. Where do I find the .fxb file? I got a index.axb file on the SD card, which used to be my prime suspect for hosting the patch bank.
Yet that one, i wouldn't know how to open, as i can only see it in the 'File Manager' window, which does not have an 'open' function.
I guess i could take the SD card out of the axo, into the computer, and then load it from there, but that seems too complicated to be you guys' master plan...
Anyway, enough speculation, as always your quick help is really appreciated!


sorry, I'm meant axb
(fxb is other software I'm using :))

use the axoloti file menu, and it shows axb, then just select it an open it.
(axoloti file -> open, make sure the selectors is on 'axoloti files' , it is by default, and then it will show both patch files and bank files... assuming your using 1.0.12)

usually i save the axb on my computer somewhere (like patch files), so that i can edit them later.


Sorry, i must be missing something obvious. Going to the 'File>Open' menu i only see the files on my computer, not the ones on the SD card.
Going to 'Window>File Manager' i see the files on my SD card (including index.axb), but neither an 'open' nor a 'download' option (there is 'upload', which i guess would allow me to copy a file from my computer to the SD card, but...)
Going to 'File>New patch bank', i have an option 'Upload bank table', which, i guess, saves the axb file to the SD card, but no option to save it to my local machine, so i wouldn't know how to do what you suggest ("i save the axb on my computer somewhere").

I have version 1.0.12, running on a MacbookAir 10.12.6.


File->new patch bank

edit it as you have been doing
upload to put on sd card

file->save , to save the axb file to you mac disk

file->open to load axb from your mac disk


Halleluja, i finally got you! Thank you so much!