Drseq... where does this bass pattern come from, really?


Hi there,

Hope I won't bother with my wonders but... I've spent some time today on the drseq.axp and I still cannot find what generates the notes of the Bass object...
I've embedded most of the objects to end up suspecting there should be a kind of midi generator up above mix.mix_3... well, I can't find anythng in the objects midicode that could link to some notes patterns.... It's neither in table p....
( I must admit that I didn't at first intend to spend this first day on patcher on this .axp but I've found it really interesting for my project, even if Jan's tutos prepared me to what I thought would be a simpler world :+1: )

Could someone be gentle enough to explain me which object generates these midi notes and help me get some sleep this night? .... Please? :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you by advance for your time answering me :wink:
