Thank you for the kind words, folks 
@the19thbear : I shall do some testing with MIDI sync, just need to set up the laptop with Cubase here. In the mean time, I've just rewritten the clock tracking for the syncable LFOs and added a blinking clock display. If the new sync code works, I'll migrate it to the syncable sequencer clocks and delays. Edit: re clock source: yep, External mode is using the 24ppq input as the clock source.
@mtyas : Cool! I love your videos with Axoloti in the forest. I'm going to take mine with me when camping, jamming in the wild with my friends - I'm in the process of putting the kit together.
@grimmreefer : Yes, for one of the save modes the execution order affects the parameter order, so there a dilemma there. However, the latest version of the Preset Manager has three save modes : Global (saves everything using parameter names), SubPatch (saves the patch/subpatch that the module is placed in) and SubPatchV1 (the original saving method, not using names). Global and SubPatch modes are not sensitive to the execution order since it binds values to parameter names, so you can modify the patch. There is one caveat: integer spinboxes are not saved in Global and SubPatch modes. This is due to the Axoloti patcher missing that one parameter type - hopefully that will be fixed in a future release. Read more here.