Ok. Sorry for bringing this up again, but I have experimented a lot trying to get a LFO to lock to the incoming midi signal. The LFO freq has to be phase locked... that means that it has to be reset every time a new midi beat is present.
I cant say that i 100% know what i am doing, but about 80%
I tried this, and get tempo lock, but not complete phase lock. If i output a midi clock from my DAW, at say, 120 bpm. I can adjust the phase pot to get the rigth resetting for each beat. It will be correct each time i stop/start the DAW. If i then output a midi clock at say, 200bpm, i have to adjust the phase again. And it will be right every time i stop/start the daw.
If I then adjust the DAW tempo down to 50 bpm, i have to adjust the phase again....
How do I do this the correct way?