Does the Patcher run without a board or doesn't it?


Hi guys,

I'd like to have a look at the patcher software before I get my board. No problem if everything is (obviously!) silent. I Just want to get a headstart on how the user interface works.

I do however have trouble getting it to run. So the first question is. Can it do that without a board at all? The website is not that clear about it. It says you need the board to upgrade libraries but that is not the same as not running at all, or is it?

So what gives?

Just in case it should run here 's a bit of info:

I've installed Java V8 Update 121 build 1.8.0_121-813

This is the log I get:

Axoloti version : 1.0.12-0-g80370d2 build time : 02/02/2017 20:39:14 CET
Link to firmware CRC E95BAC96
Current user library does not match correct version master -> 1.0.12
Stash (stash) FAILED : community (1.0.12,anon)
org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.NoHeadException: HEAD required to stash local changes
org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.NoHeadException: HEAD required to stash local changes
at org.eclipse.jgit.api.StashCreateCommand.getHead(
at axoloti.utils.AxoGitLibrary.createStash(
at axoloti.utils.AxoGitLibrary.upgrade(
at axoloti.MainFrame$
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

Status: factory (1.0.12,anon) : OK ( 1.0.12,clean )
Status : home : OK
Status: community (1.0.12,anon) : OK ( master,clean )
No available USB device found with matching PID/VID
search path : C:\Users\Marc Brassé\Documents\axoloti\axoloti-factory\objects
search path : C:\Users\Marc Brassé\Documents\axoloti\objects
search path : C:\Users\Marc Brassé\Documents\axoloti\axoloti-contrib\objects
finished loading objects



Hi @brasso and welcome.

You can use the editor but it will be useless without a board.

The patches are translated to c++ code, then cross compiled for the Axoloti and uploaded to it. The code is not compatible with Intel cpus.


You also have an error with the libraries
Go to file/preferences reset all

( looks like a bug in fresh installs - trying to do an upgrade)

Edit: yes, the editor runs fine without a board, I regularly use it like this on my laptop.


I'l do the reset you propose and give it another try then. Thanks


The reset helped in so far that I get no error messges anymore but it now turns out that the libraries are totally empty. Booohooohooo! (Snif).

I am runnig it on a laptop that is not constantly connected to the Internet though. Maybe that is part of the isssue?



You only need to be connected when doing reset or sync

I've also made a video about how to do this 'offline'


Yeah, that is also what I assumed. I thought I'd just mention it anyway. The video is on Youtube? I'll have a look. I gues I must now wait for the fresh installs upgrade you mentioned?


Yes the video is on my youtube channel,
be warned, its pretty old, so things have changed a bit since it was released.
Ive not bothered updating it, as it seems the community prefers asking questions heres, so I decided its not generally worth creating axo tutorial/how to videos.

Id also advise, its better to use the normal sync/online method.
if you start copying files around, you'll have to continually do this - which will be tedious and also error prone , so I don't 'support it' as such, its more there for 'information' as it can be done if absolutely necessary.

sorry, I think there is a confusion here, I never meant to imply there were any 'upgrades' imminent.

the above bug, has the 'reset-all' workaround, and I think has only been reported twice before now, so its not a show-stopper, so its unlikely a new release will be just made for it, and I don't know of any others major bugs in 1.0.12, requiring a release (though I could be wrong)

the next 'major' release, will possibly have changes in this area BUT this is only at the beginning of development, and as has been stated previously, this dev cycle will be longer than normal, afaik, there is not even a speculative date for release, but you should expect it to be months, rather than weeks away.


Sorry if this is stupid beginners question circle arguemtn time but what now?

I have done the reset but the libraries are empty.

So how do I go on from here?


you did reset all, with an active internet connection ?

did you try to restart axoloti? ( I dont think required, but worth trying)

if this is not working then you need to do a reset -all and paste the contents of the log
.. we have seen this error before (twice) but on each occasion a reset all has fixed it.

also I just tried clean install here on macOS and linux , and both worked fine...
(I know your using windows, which is a pain for me to check...)

But can I ask, was this a clean install, or did you have an old version of axoloti installed?

I only expect this error from users who used an old beta, that I already announced an 'end of life' for, if they ignore the upgrade request then, then this error will occur.. which is why the reset all is required.
(this can also be fixed by removing the axoloti directory in your documents folder)


ok, Ive done a clean install on Windows 10, and it is also fine...

so the only thing I can think is, this is caused by trying to upgrade from the old beta, this is to be expected, and I do not consider a bug.


Aha, I did NOT reset with an active internet connection but with the laptop disconnected! I'd better do that then, I gues.:-:sweat_smile:

I'll also start studying the user manual in detail. I just combined most stuff from the forum in a document for reference while working off line.

The deeper I delve into the community stuff the clearer it becomes how deeply involved you are! Many Kudo's for that. Where you also involved in the development?


Ive contributed to development since Johannes was kind enough to give me a prototype about 6 months (?) before release. but to be clear, my efforts are a 'drop in the ocean' compared to the huge amount of work Johannes has done before and after this.
yeah, you'll find a lot of posts from me, this is partly because the forum was setup just before release, at that time Johannes was extremely busy building/shipping boards, so I tried to help by 'seeding' the forum with useful information and supporting the new users when they got their boards. (as Id had the prototype to get to know axo)

... these days, Im trying to step back a bit, as we have lots of helpful users in the community, so they can provide the support needed - hopefully this can free up more of my time for music making and also dev work on axo.

anyway, did you get it working once connected to the internet?

Im still a bit intrigued, about how you got into the 'odd' state... do you know where you first installed axoloti (approximately) - still me 'best' guess, is its caused by the 'old beta', as this is the only time we used the 'master' branch of the community library, which your logs refer to.


Wow , that is a very impressive story.

I understand what you mean about feeling the need to get around to making some actual music again. Luckily I always get bursts of that sooner or later anyway. If I would only be making music the size of my output would probably become obscene. On the other hand working on other stuff is part of refilling the inspiration bucket. One wants to create quality and not quantity, isn't it, Sir?

As far as the installation problem is concerned:

I have actually been doing that with my son. He's the computer nerd around here! We have indeed tried a reset with an internet connection but the results where again negative.

The only hting I can think of after reading your description is that we might indeed have downlaoded the wrong verison. I can remember that I saw 2 download options on the page. Could it be we took the wrong one? And just to make sure: Which is the right one then?

Furthermore I still have to read that user guide.

Basically we put it all a few days forward untill our minds are empty enough again to give it another try but any addional tips you might have wil be welcome anyway.

By the way: This is typically what always happens when I get involved with music software. The first time I tried a DAW (granted: it was a hacked Cubase version) I lost days of work through some bug. I tried again when NI released their B4 organ emulation software. The laptop I tried to run it on had a massive latency problem. So much that it was basically unusable in an otherwise hardware setup. Stuff like that. It aahs given me a software headache I am still trying to get rid off which keeps me from trying out many an ultra- interesting VST, Give me hardware anytime. I was actually hoping that Axoloti would break that spell but the first signs are again ominous.



ok, you need to :
- delete the axoloti folder in your documents folder (important!)
- delete and reintall axoloti (1.0.12)

if this doesn't work, then I think the best bet is, when you get you Axoloti , either Johannes or I will do a Skype/teamviewer call with you to sort out your machine.

Id only do once you have your axoloti, so that by the end of the call, we know your machine is working and also that the USB connection to axoloti is also good. (dont want to have to do multiple calls)

I think its not uncommon for some... hard to pinpoint exactly why, but I know it causes a lot of frustration.
I guess, like anything for some it just works/makes sense, others its a struggle.

Ive a friend that is brilliant with car mechanics, he just tweaks stuff, and 2 minutes later is working perfectly, but Id have no chance, and probably loose a couple of fingers trying :wink:

I think the industry likes to spread a myth its all easy, anyone can do it - so they can sell machines/software, but reality is I think many people actually have issues, or just use things in a limited way that they know works.

Id assume one day, computers will be like iPads/Phones, users get a limited window into them, and just use them without any knowledge of whats in the box. ... just like a car.

more positive note, afaik, we haven't had any users who haven't got Axoloti running, so we will get it working for you :slight_smile:
(just make sure your machine meets the minimum hardware/software specs if you haven't already)


You know what: I am also one of those mechanical people. If you'd ask me to build an Axoloti enclosure I'd have it ready and painted in about 4 hours without any need for drawings. But electronics are simply too vague for me. I have become better at it (see my customization projects) but it there wil never be any real love spent.:confounded:

Furthermore: I am such an old dude that I have experienced music technology becoming affordable first hand. My first multitrack was a Fostex A8, 8 analog audio tracks on 1/4 inch tape. That was actually little more then sped up audio cassette recording technology. All the generations up to the PC where however always imediate. Even early digital hardware gave you real time control. If latency existed in was of the "'why does this keyboard feel a bit remote" millisecond type. I gues that has made me a bit extra critical. If you are used to a "that cable goes here and thus the signal will also ge there, otherwise the cable is bust"-workflow that is the only real one. I want knobs and switches, not vague software paths that need all sorts of subroutines and drivers to work and then still offer latency in returny. Dude! If I buy a coffee machine I want to make coffee with it! Immediately!:angry:

About the perfect interface: An A4 or even A3 size multitouch screen that you can fold up to fit in your pocket but that will always straigthen itself when it is powered up. Yet still thick enough to give tactile feedback. No mouse, no keyboard. Artifical intelligent software so that one will only have to give a general (vocal) command. Stuff like: "Install VST so and so on a standalone host" or "Download all software necessary for driving Axoloti from this device". And no latency! Only then will the personal computer decvice at last be mature. :grin:

Anyway. Thanks for the service offer. We'll (my son and Raphael and I) wil give it all another try and since I hear few complaints from other users it is probably some small thing so I am not that discouraged but it stil is So typical for me to strand where others do not. It's a progrom!

By the way: I use a Packhard Bell 7LH5AQ1 laptop with a 2.2 Mhz Celeron and 2048 MB RAM running windows 10 pro 32 bits (10 build 14393) and Direct X 12. So I gues that should also be OK (enough).

Furthermore: My son seems to remember that we donwloaded the first Windows version avialable from the top of the downloadpage. There was another download version above that but it was specifically mentioned that it was only for Linux and Mac. Maybe you can still have a quick look at that page and point out the specific version we must get. Maybe that will already set the record straight wihtout a special session.




Hurrah! As you might have noticed in some of my other posts I have at last been able to send in an order for my first Axoloti. So it could very well be that I will get back to you on this subject soon.



In the the mean time I got my Axoloti sofware running on another laptop without any problems. Trying to go back to my personal machine however leads to the same problems again and again, even after repeating exactly the same installation procedure.

It does however seem the problem does not so much lie with the Axoloti software as it does with running Java. Is a listing of Java related solutions available in the community?

I'll let you know as soon as I find out anything more anyway. It's probably a problem others also encountered but one never knows.



no, theres really nothing to check/solve as such ... all I can suggest is that you are running the latest version of java , and ensure that this is the default java runtime used.
(this kind of thing should be easy enough to find on the web)


Hi @thetechnobear (and @johannes),

In the end the file> preferences> reset all trick you allready suggested some time ago did the trick. A bewilderign factor was that I hadn't connected that particular laptop to the net for more then a year. It therefore began to process a lot of Windows updates in the background which made the Axoloti software run so slow that it did not seem to work at all. After both things where taken care of things now however run smoothly. Sigh!

I included Johannes above because I would like to use the oppertunity to "break a lance" for a few text changes on the website. For people who are not into computers for the sake of it (and I am surely not!) it seems to take a few things for granted a bit too much.

A few examples that spring to mind:

  • It took me a whole afternoon to hunt through the whole city to find a reasonably affordable USB male to male cable, only to find out the Axoloti is only fed via USB when you use the microinput. (Doh!)

  • For similar reasons it might be good to show a drawing on the Axolotie Core page showing all the inns and outs combine with speciific warnings like the one already mentioned above and other particulars like for instance L and R on the in- and output being combined on 1 stereo female jack input. I know that might sound a bit too IKEA but stuff like that really works when one is a bit overawed in the beginning.

  • The aformentioned file> preferences> reset all trick,and other cures community members found out the hard way could be mentioned on the same page as the general software installation instructions.

  • A basic "how to" programming guide would also be a good thing. Of course the 50 minute @mtyas course on Youtube is a big improvement (Thanks for that Matthew). A link to that might also be a good idea.

Of course I am a hopeless old Dinosaur but nowadays younger people are also again getting into synthesis via the hardware side and every potential Axoloti buff that get's lost / discouraged by becoming entangled in the basics is surely one to many.

I hope you can apreciate these positive critisizms.

And now it is time for me to start building my first own models myself at last. Thanks for creating this little (r)evolution. It's the "build your own advanced synthesizer" solution I never even dared to dream of.
