Delay Buffer Playback Rate (Lowering Pitch)


Apologies if someone's cracked this already, but I'm curious if anyone has a patch that changes the delay buffer playback rate so that whatever is stored is played back at a slower speed and thus a lower pitch, similar to how some table read objects have pitch control. I'm trying to replicate the sound of a slowed-down record player for sampling purposes without needing to worry about writing, stopping, and starting a table. The delay read objects only seem to have control over the total length of the buffer, not how quickly it is read through; I can see how trying to play the buffer at a faster rate than it's sampling would pose a problem (it can't see into the future after all), but because it's playing back data it's already stored, this seems like it should be possible. Any patches, tips, or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


I want to build a similar patch and was wondering if you could solve this in the meantime?
It should write into ram, and play the same ram slower while still writing.

I build some delay units with /write and /read objects, also using the pot for buffer lenght (but to be honest i still did´nt discover exactly what this parameter does).


I think the parameter you mean is the time inlet on the delay read?
That doesn't change the size of the buffer, it changes (delays) the playback position relative to the delay write's write position.

I made a kind of pitch drop/record stop type patch a while back using tables, maybe it'll help. When you hit the button it starts recording and immediately starts playing back whilst still recording, with an envelope on the playback speed.

tape stop.axp (5.9 KB)