Deadsy Contributions



Description: A debouncer for boolean inputs.
Version: 1.0.12

debounceN (N=1,2,4,8,16), pick one based on how many lines you need to debounce.


Description: A driver for MPR121 capacitive touch sensors.
Version: 1.0.12

MPR121 Datasheet
Adafruit Module

Each object supports up to 12 electrodes.
You can have up to 4 devices on a single I2C bus.
Custom configuration can be applied via object local data.



Description: A driver for TTP229 capacitive touch sensors.
Version: 1.0.12

TTP229-LSF Datasheet
RobotDyn Module

Each object supports up to 16 electrodes.
You can only have one device on a given I2C bus.

Note: This driver works with the ttp229 device that support the I2C interface (LSF). There are other ttp229 devices that work with different interfacing schemes.