Custom versions of Axolotis Sequencers with display implemented


Hey :wink:

Just started building some custom version of all ready existing objects. I coded the display bar into the sequencers. Save a lot of screen space :smile: Also added +/- values on the sel i sequencers ofr more flexibility.

They all seem to work fine, but I get some warnings in the Axoloti talkback window. But they work and that is most important.

Here they are if you want to test them:
sel b 16 pulseD.axo (1.2 KB)
sel fb 16D.axo (3.8 KB)
sel fb 32D.axo (6.7 KB)
sel fp 16D.axo (3.8 KB)
sel fp 32D.axo (6.7 KB)
sel i 16 --64D.axo (3.6 KB)
sel i 32 --64D.axo (6.3 KB)
1-16.axo (787 Bytes)

More will come soon. Would be nice to have kind of dynamic objects, where you can set for example step amount of the sequencer to 16, 32 or 64....... or the ctrl/i where you could set min and max number... that would keep the number of objects down. But that is probably hard to implement.

How to code Axoloti objects

cool stuff.

please share via the community library... thats kind of the point of it, so we don't have to share via posts here

also, can you please only share things with a prefix,
the reason we do this, is its going to be very confusing for users, if its not clear in the object browser if its from the factory or not (and we all forget we have downloaded stuff, and from where :wink:

what are the warnings?

as a programmer, id disagree that 'its working' is the most important thing e.g. sharing a uuid could potentially break other objects/patches... so just because your objects work, doesn't mean it doesn't break something else. furthermore, a clean console is pretty important when doing support... users getting into a habit of ignoring warnings is a bad thing.


Hey @thetechnobear

Well it was basicly a reallly old post, which I just changed the name of, so it was easier for people to find them if they'd like them. Before the title was something like "working on new custom objects" and would not show up when searching for something like" sequencer with display".

I have all ready put them in the community library. But maybe they are not visible ATM, cause I had to remove the 1.08 Axoloti folder with all the community library objects etc. in it, or else 1.06 wont load.

Since it is an old post(nov 15), alll the info in the post is also outdated. But yes, I need to get those UUID fixed and the SHA, for sure. I got all other custom objects fixed but still have some issues with these. But I know how to fix it now. I just have to change something else, besides the name in the object editor. I think this was @philoop s discovery.

Sooooo basicly, really old post, just changed name of it.... :smile:


oh s....but i think no problem they will still be on github..i was already working with them...why did you go back?


Because of the string/index and string C objects not working properly in 1.08. I use them in all my patches, so I woud have to change all my patches for them to work.

But it should be fixed in 1.09, so waiting patiently for that update :smile: