Ctrl/hook questions


I have a synth with a vibrato. I want to be able to control the vibrato in two ways - either by a dial in the GUI or via CC from keyboard. So I need an object class that has a button but also the ability to take an input. I thought I could use a ctrl/hook object for this, and it works...sort of. The problem is that I always have to touch the button before it takes input from CC.

Should I use another object class for this, and what is in fact the proper use for ctrl/hook?


Do you want the two input sources to be added or used one instead of another?
The first case is easier to implement with math/+

In the second case you could use logic/change , mux/mux 2 and a logic/flip flop object (the one with set and reset input)

You can feed the dial and the cc input to two logic/change, which in turn feeds the set and reset inlets of the flip flop.
When one of the two sources change, it signals the flip flop to switch to the respective state.
You can then use the flip flop to drive the mux object, which acts as a selector between the two sources


It's the first case, and I already found out how to do it with math/+. Thanks for answering, anyway :slight_smile: