Hey gang!
I've been quetly enjoying the musical benefits of my axoloti as a multi FX pedal. Truly an awesome tool to step up the MPC game when one can process both audio And MIDI and make one depend on the other. \^_^/
Now I'm interested in stepping up the DSP game a bit as I'm building a sound system with a few friends. One of the things missing is a crossover filter with independent delay for sub channels. I'm thinking a stereo two-way crossover filter somewhat like the Behringer CX3400 Pro Super-X Crossover. Buying two axos to do the trick would be almost the same as buying this unit, although a lot more fun of course! =)
I've used this unit with quite some luck but I'm unhappy with the filter ranges among other things.
Since a linear phase response is crucial for this kind of application, do you see any problems with using axoloti for the trick?
How about doing a multi-channel stereo application, any recommendations on methods of doing it instead of using two axos?