Crossover filter


Hey gang!
I've been quetly enjoying the musical benefits of my axoloti as a multi FX pedal. Truly an awesome tool to step up the MPC game when one can process both audio And MIDI and make one depend on the other. \^_^/

Now I'm interested in stepping up the DSP game a bit as I'm building a sound system with a few friends. One of the things missing is a crossover filter with independent delay for sub channels. I'm thinking a stereo two-way crossover filter somewhat like the Behringer CX3400 Pro Super-X Crossover. Buying two axos to do the trick would be almost the same as buying this unit, although a lot more fun of course! =)
I've used this unit with quite some luck but I'm unhappy with the filter ranges among other things.

Since a linear phase response is crucial for this kind of application, do you see any problems with using axoloti for the trick?
How about doing a multi-channel stereo application, any recommendations on methods of doing it instead of using two axos?



Phase response is indeed crucial but not necessarily linear phase. The CX3400 crossover you refer to uses Linkwitz–Riley filters, not linear phase. But I can understand that linear phase would be preferred. I believe both Linkwitz-Riley as linear phase are possible, however not with standard objects. The theory to implement this can go quite deep. The book "Digital Audio Signal Processing" by Udo Zölzer has an interesting chapter, I believe relevant for linear-phase crossover filter design: "5.4 Multi-complementary Filter Bank". Perhaps there are already open and suitable implementations available that can be translated into Axoloti objects, not sure about this. A speaker crossover filter may not be the most straightforward application scenario.