Crossfader issue?


Hey everyone :slight_smile:

was just working on an object where I need the crossfader. And I ran into this issue:

Even though the mix knob is ALL the way to the right... The signal from i1 is still present. I dont think it should be. Anyway, maybe we can make another custom crossfader....

Processing order issue?

The level of the signal you will get in this situation is extremely small. It shows up on the 'scope because it varies between tiny positive and tiny negative. In practice this will be irrelevant.


Thanks for your comment. But I am not the only one who had experienced issues with this object. The processing order issues thread was one place where it was discussed and it was discussed if it was order of execution issue. Which I am pretty sure it is not.

I need the value to be 100% closed, 99% is not enough. This can caouse phase issues and other unwanted artifacts. Anyway, I have an idea to make a new one. Will try to make anothr one when I am done with what I am working on now.

I tried connecting a disp/dial b to see which values come out of the crossfader. It jumps between 00.00 and -00.00. So no value is send. Thank for the clarification :wink:


it is 99,999998509884%
Still not 100%, but hardly relevant. The scopes show it because tiny negative gets a different pixel than tiny positive. I could round towards zero, but it will cause similar artifacts as 0.49999999 and 0.5 would then become different pixels.


No worries, Ill work with it as it is or see if it is possible to come up with something else down the road. But I still want to point out that very small bit of sound could potentially cause phase issues.

Anyway, Thanks :wink:


I respectfully disagree, the "leaking" attenuation is in the order of 156dB, way below the threshold of human hearing at harmful loudness levels.
Phase issues can come from execution order, unrelated to the crossfader object. I split your post from the processing order topic to discuss the crossfader leaking.


Yes that makes sense, thanks for moving it :slight_smile:

I also respectfully disagree with you. It is not related to execution order, but basic mixing rules in any studio set up!

Below is an example..... If you are in doubt about this do a google search to have it confirmed.

It will cause problems if you for example have a mixer, set up with a send for a delay effect. If the delays internals mix is not set to 100%, it will leak some of the original signal and mix it back with the clean original signal path. That is a very known issues in any studio set up. If you for example have a Lexicon delay on the send on the mixer, you always set the mix of the Lexicon on 100% or else it will cause phase issues. If you dont do that, the 2 signals, the clean signal and the leaked signal from the send effect collide and cause phase issues. ANd this is the same with Axoloti. And it will cause problems in many cases.

Thanks, Jaffa


That's correct, the Lexicon should be indeed set to full "wet" when used as a parallel FX.
Whether that is full 100% or almost full 99,9999985% is irrelevant wrt phase issues.


I just did a little test. I took a simple saw osc and routed into the crossfader and set the mix to maximum.. And then added a few gainer objects and use drjustice out object which also adds 12db gain.. And no sound at all. And the scope does not show higher level of the signal even with 3 gainers after... :wink:

Testing is always the best :slight_smile: