Correct way of using subpatches?



I am wondering what is the correct way of using subpatches?

I still get lots of lost connections to subpatches, they come up red when I reopen a patch. This is really annoying, cause all settings of these objects are lost every time this happens. And it happens almost every time I open a patch > at least one object comes up as red and can't be found.

My subpatches are all stored within a folder that I've set in preferences and they are accesible I can see them and load them.... But they almost never load when I reopen a patch with a .axs subpatch in.

I really like the idea about being able to load the same subpatch in many patches, but it never really worked here, unless you embed the subpatch. And then the idea of sing the same subpatch across many patches is lost.

Anyway,what is your experience?



If they show up red, close without saving and wait a few minites. Watch the log for finished loading objects and re-open it.


Thanks I hope i tis that simple. All though I am pretty sure it also happens when I open patches even after Axoloti app has been turned on for a while.

But I hope it is that simple :slight_smile:

Thanks, I'll try to to "reload objects" next time it happens :wink:


Just my 2 cents: I've been using pretty much only embedded subpatches, mainly because I find it much easier & faster to work with, especially when my code is not set in stone.
With subpatches referring files, I saw several problems in examples or help files, that has not encouraged me to use them either (for instance, see Help File for script/script ).


Yeah, there are som instability there, so I also try not to use them and embed objects or hard code them. Hard code is the best option imo.

But in som cases it is nice to use the subpatches :slight_smile: