Connecting a webcam to the usb input?


Would it be possible to connect a webcam to the usb input and somehow read out the data that it sends?


I think you would be better off connecting a raspberry pi or other single board computer to handle the images and translate them into the messages you would want to send. Doing image processing on the Axo's ARM is completely possible, and you could probably identify colors and frequency and still have room left over for audio processing. I don't recommend it, but it's possible.

I think a $5 raspberry pi, or one of the other single board computers would develop a solution faster and isolated from the audio processing and worth the extra cost in hardware to not have to develop the processing algorithms.

If you do it, send pics! It sounds fun either way.


afaik there is no pre-built USB handler for generic web cams in the STM USB host library.
so you would need to write your own, and compile your own firmware.


ok, that will be way above my skills then haha
I just hoped to be able to get "something" out of it.. :wink: