Communication from axoloti to computer


As we can use displays in patches that show up on the computer, this data is shared over usb. But how? Is it in any way possible to share this data with other programs, eg. if it uses (pretty please) OSC, with OSC/PILOT?

I've just started using OSC/PILOT to incorporate my touchscreen with the axoloti as it's also able to send midi, but for return values it can only use OSC. So if it would be in any way possible to get this display data (perhaps I could then find a way to get it send using OSC inside my computer), it would be great!


I think this might be possible if you build the editor from scratch and add a Java OSC library. Communication between the Axoloti Core and the patcher is probably in this file:


Yeah it would be really great to have OSC support for Axoloti, no doubt!


I got it working using another (free) program called "touchdesigner", translating the midi coming from the axoloti to OSC for OSC/PILOT.
This is fun!
I've made a combo of patches, one in OSC/PILOT and one in axoloti, with which I can draw a fft-spectrum or randomise it, do some spectrum-adjustment calculations, a X/Y/Z morph-recorder through the 8 available waveforms (with record position being fed back through the midi2OSC mapper of touchdesigner) and play this as an 8-voice polyphonic oscillator (with polyphonic X/Y/Z morph following the recorded motion) using a tonnetz keyboard I made in the OSC/PILOT patch. So now I can quickly modify everything from my screen using multiple fingers, play around with the spectra, play multiple notes and parameter-bends/changes at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:

Now gonna try to build a performance midi-recorder in axoloti, so I can record my keyboard presses and also return this as visual feedback :slight_smile:


Maybe I could do a pd bridge midi/osc osc/midi..
