Change counter-value dynamicly


Hi angain :slight_smile:

I have built a simple sequencer with a MIDI-CLOCK- and LOGIC/COUNTER 2-Object.
The LOGIC/COUNTER 2-Object has it's steps value which I would like to control via a dial from the parent patch. I could not find a inlet for this and have no idea how to do this. Is this somehow possible?



i made such object.....will upload soon........


that would be awsome !! :slight_smile:
can you describe how you did that? would be very interesting


uploaded counter i contributions/phi/objects/logic/counter i


sorry, for this stupid question, but can you show me where i can find it?
i'm a total noob and have no idea :confused:


install 1.0.9 and sync libraries File -> sync libraries


Nice!! works fine :slight_smile: thank you very much!! :slight_smile: