I have an Ambika from Mutable Instrument and I love its filters. My main problem with it, except that it's not a modular synth, is that waves are bad sounding - imo. I think that the ATmega644p is the only dsp available that we can sold as "DIY". It's not really powerful and I doesn't like the "DSP"/software part of the ambika like its wavetables. But hell yeah- those filters...
So I was thinking, is there anyway to add an Shruti/Ambika filter to an axoloti ?
In my dream, it will be polyphonic, so here is my main question :
Is it possible to chain 3 axoloti with the 6 ambika filter ? One axo board would have 2 filters (stereo) chained with 2 others axolotis with also 2 filter each. So we could have a 6 voices poly synth -modular and really nice sounding -
this running in one patch.
I saw on few post that it's possible to chain some axoloti, sending audio directly via the DAC from the board.
But is it possible to run one patch on 3 axolotis ?
Ehhhh - Thanks !