Cables for connecting pin headers


Hi I have a more general question:

What kind of cables do you guys use for interconnecting between pinheaders?

I've been using these guys for trying out:

While they are ok for experimentation I don't trust them for a more permament connection. Since they are also quite cheap I already had several getting broke.

Are these more reliable?

They look good but are way too long for my purpose.

I've also started DIYing some cables with pin headers, wire and heat shrink tube, it feels quite solid.

Any opinions by some electronic pros?


You can find similar but shorter 12cm "dupont cables" on, and probably also on ebay. They're less flexible than the 'breadboard wires' in your first link.

Making your own, using crimp contacts is more reliable than soldering header pins to a braided wire when done properly (using the right crimping tool). Those crimping tools can be quite expensive... Crimping contacts with pliers is messy.

Soldering header pins to braided wire can be fragile, braided wire becomes sensitive to mechanical stress/fatigue where it is exposed to solder. Heat shrink tube improves that situation, but it may get too thick to fit two wires next to each other.


I prefer to make sort of pin shields with some perf board.
I see in your pick you already have the female ends soldered to your axo, I'm the same but with male ends, I then soldered a row of male ends to perf board the full length of all the axo gpio pins, and I then solder the wires directly to the perf board. I then do the same or similar on the other end for wherever it is going. I always make sure there is plenty of room on the perf board for de-soldering and soldering for changes. The shield can be removed if desired. But this might be a little more permanent that what you are looking for.