Bypassing the Axoloti or switching to a simple midi trhu mode by cc


Hi people,

On more question today from a noobie ( I guess it's simple to open one thread a question rather than putting everything in a single thread? hope I'm right ) :

Could someone tell me if it is possible to turn on/off a bypass mode for the Axoloti ?

The aim is to be able to "turn off" the midi seq patches using a cc to switch to a simple midi thru mode.

  • Is there maybe any patch that could be used as a triggered bypass making the midi signals going through the seq patches, then only through the midi thru patches using a cc, then back to the seq using the same cc? ( I haven't found any so far in the library )
  • Presets are said not to be switchable in standalone mode, if I've understood anything in Dr Justice threads, due to glitch issues. But would it be possible as the seq patch is only midi out, and not audio out?

Thanks for any advice :slight_smile:


I do something similar by simply switching patches.

So I'd have a patch that's got the sequencer stuff in it, and another that has the thru stuff.

Then in each patch have a patch/load object that loads the other patch, triggered by a cc object


Silly me!! i've made a search using [presets]... not [patches] :smiley:

Thanks a lot for your help MattilynMattroe! :slight_smile:

A few more questions, if you mind, then, as you've worked on the idea :
- Do you think its possible to quantize the trigger?
- As maybe I'll try later to put an hold note function on the seq, also triggered by cc, do you think it also would be possible to bypass patches groups within the same .axp?

Thanks by advance for your next answers :slight_smile:

PS Edit : I've found the thread, I guess?


It's possible to quantize the trigger, but it would take a bit of work... Something like: the trigger sets a flipflop which is connected to an 'and' gate that lets through the next clock pulse which actually triggers the patch change.

The hold note thing would be doable, but I'm not sure off the top of my head. Maybe using a mux could do it, where the mux switches between the midi in gate output and an always on toggle.


I've found some answers while searching about what you told me in another thread yesterday. The quantize on the Cicruit is set to a real time message F8H. But I cannot found any info about Axoloti dealing with these types of midi messages.... :confused: