Boundaris for control values


Hi, I hope I write to right section. Is it posible to make boundaries for control range of knob or slider. Let say software control values can be from 0 to 127. But for me useful only values from 20 to 80. So with physical potentiometer I would like contor range from 20 to 80 using all potentiometer range. Is there way to do thia? Sorry If my exploration is not clear.


Yeah this is no problem, look at @TheSlowGrowth's math objects, limit and map.

or you could implement it yourself, for example by stealing arduinos map() function:

long map(long x, long in_min, long in_max, long out_min, long out_max) {
  return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;

edit - i think i realized TSGs mapping objects only work for scaling something down, not scaling up as you seem to want. if nobody else has an idea i might actually implement that arduino function with input and output ranges.

edit: couldn't go home thinking about this. feel free to try these objects, seem to work fine for me. i think TSG's limiting algorithm is more efficient but this should be just fine.

map.axp (4.0 KB)

if ((inlet_in >= param_inmin) && (inlet_in <= param_inmax)) {
outlet_out = abs((int64_t) (inlet_in - param_inmin) * (param_outmax - param_outmin) / (param_inmax - param_inmin) + param_outmin);
else if (inlet_in < param_inmin) outlet_out = param_outmin;
	else outlet_out = param_outmax;

oh, the abs in there is pointless, was from when i was trying to be elegant for a hot second.

also, have absolutely no clue how this would react if i feed it bipolar fracs. scared to try.

edit nr 500 cause i like this forum software so much:
i made a version that works fine with bipolar inputs and also doubles as a convenient flexible P/B or B/P converter.
map.axp (4.0 KB)
mapfrac.axo (1.1 KB)

i think this is actually a very convenient and often used tool in music apps, so if i didn't overlook something existing (very likely...), can someone take me by the hand and show me how to push this to the community library?

Newbe needing help patching a 3 position switch/option