Blindsmyth Contributions


Github: Blindsmyth
Prefix: blnd

Apperantly my request as contributor hasn't been answered yet by Johannes, So for now I will just post my contributions here.


12 out of 53TET toolkit:

12 out of 53TET.axp (55.5 KB)

This is a toolkit for playing with 53tone equal temperament = 53TET.

53TET allows for very good aproximations of 5limit just intonation intervalls. It's fifhts and thirds are almost perfect. Furthermore it can aproximate "quartertone" intervalls of maquam music traditions very good.
This is why this system is in use in turkish, arabic and persian music theories.

Also Indian shrutis can be aproximated very precisely:

If you're interested in playing in any of these music traditions it is very unlikely that you will need all 53pitches at the same time. That is why I choose to select 12of these pitches that are close to Cmaj and neighbouring keys. Then each note has a selector to shift it up or down by a 1/53 intervall.
A bit like with the turkish kanun that has 7pitches out of 53 (in theory at least) and little mandals to shift the notes up or down by a comma.

If you want further information on how to calculate the starting 12 pitches or have other questions don't hesitate to ask me.


I was super enthousiast by the idea, but I could not find the patch in the library.
Would it be possible it is not synced yet? Or is it only on Github? I have not worked myself in to Github... yet..
excited to test...


Hey a friend just wrote me the same. I'm new to all this contribuiting buisiness. I made the github acount long time ago and don't know exactly how all of this works. I'll pm you the patch for now and then check how contributing really works :grimacing:


Thanks for the pm. You could always add it here in the post for other people to check out?