Big issue to install the soft and the drivers


I received my axoloti a few days ago, and I can't use it :
I've a windows 7 64bits : I've read all the guide, I first began to install the latest version 1.0.8, I put the runtime on my programme(x86) and installed the msi, and I get the winusbcompact to install the drivers. Iv'e already dll the latest version of Java.
This time axoloti Patcher didn't recognize the Axoloti Core, so I could patch but without listening my result (no button live )

after that I uninstall all the things, put the 1.0.6 version, the run-time for the 1.0.6 version, install already the drivers, but Axoloti patcher don't load on my desk. When I click on it it appear on the task manager in process but not in applications.

I spent 2 hours to install, uninstall, try other versions, and finally nothing work fine, so if somebody can help me, because I think I'm going to be crazy.


Remove My Documents\axoloti
1.0.6 chokes on new fields in a preferences file touched by 1.0.8
No need to reinstall runtime 1.0.6/1.0.8 - runtime did not change between those versions.


Can I just add one thing here please, new users please install the release version not the TEST version (which is clearly marked on github as a pre-release).

once you are familiar with Axoloti, then of course, we are very grateful for you, helping us test the pre-releases, but using a test version when your are unfamiliar with the product is not recommended.


Thanks, now the Patcher work fine !

There was the redondant issue of :

No available USB device found with matching PID/VID
search path : objects
finished loading objects

I made every thing to correct it like it was written in the topic ;

and the only thing which work fine is to connect the usb in an other port, so it's great !

Thanks to you, I fight against a Pi2 for six month to make an audio inlet, making something with hardware too with an arduino and make sound, and it was catastrophic ! Your board is a perfect aswer to my projects !